Bear proof garbage containers in Tatra Mountains

Project No.: 2018 – EWS – 004

The Slovakian mountains are home to approximately 800 brown bears. The bears play a crucial role in the biodiversity and ecological value of these mountains, but there are more and more conflicts. Because of logging, there is less available space for them to search for food.

As a result, hungry bears are wandering into local villages and cities. The garbage bins must smell like a five-star restaurant to them. Filled with leftover hamburgers, brown bananas and half emptied bottles, there is not a single hungry bear that can resist it.

In order to reduce the amount of bears that find food in the villages, the NGO Slovak Wildlife Society is installing newly designed Slovakian bear proof garbage containers. When the bears cannot access the food, they will stop coming into the villages. This will reduce the amount of human-bear conflicts in the local communities.

But the project is struggling. There is a completed and successfully tested bear proof garbage container design, ready to bring into the field. Yet, there is not enough budget to manufacture the containers at this moment. The European Wilderness Society wants to support this project, by donating bear proof garbage containers to the Slovak Wildlife Society.

Donate to this project, and help the local Slovakian communities to reduce the number of human-bear conflicts. If we reach this goal together, we can donate five new bear proof containers to the local communities.


A project of

European Wilderness Society