Research grant for potential Wilderness forest in Romania

Project No.: 2018 – EWS – 003

Romania is one of the few countries left in Europe that still holds old-growth forests. Old-growth forests play a crucial role in the conservation of rare and endangered species, both of plants and animals. Human impact on these forests has always been very limited, which gives nature a chance to develop according to its own will.

However, the biggest threat to the European old-growth forests is forestry activities. In Romania, logging operations take place on a large scale. It was recently discovered that illegal logging even takes place in protected areas. If we want to protect and preserve the last old-growth forests of Romania, they need international recognition and protection.

One of Romania’s well-preserved old-growth forests is called ‘Boia Mica’. The forest received its name due to the stunning beauty of this wild area. Boia Mica forest spans across several thousand hectares, and is privately owned. Over the recent years, the owners have been in contact with the European Wilderness Society to get international recognition for the Boia Mica forest.

The international recognition, following the European Wilderness Quality Standard, can be achieved. But for that the European Wilderness Society needs to organize a research expedition to verify the Wilderness Quality of Boia Mica forest. The expedition will take several days, in which the Wilderness experts use the international criteria and indicators to determine the Wilderness Quality. The team identifies the potential, strengths and weaknesses of the area. This enables us to create a structured management plan together with the owners to protect the Boia Mica forest on the long term as well.

Support our project and help us to verify Boia Mica forest. This forest could become the best example for other private forest owners, to use the European Wilderness principles for their areas as well. Your support will help us to protect this unique piece of forest. With the protection of the forest, you also help to protect all its inhabitants. Donate now to save Boia Mica!


A project of

European Wilderness Society